Luke Visser WestChester: Board Games Released the Year You Were Born
If you’re a board game fanatic, you might be wondering which one was released the year you were born. We’ve compiled a list of the top ones released over the last 50 years for you to add to your collection.
1969- Lines of Action
1970- Mastermind
1971- Crossfire
1972- Boggle
1973- Anti-Monopoly
1974- Connect Four
1975- Pay Day
1976- TEG
1977- Rummikub
1978- The Campaign for North Africa
1979- Guess Who?
1980- Civilization
1981- Axis & Allies
1982- Trivial Pursuit
1983- Talisman
1984- Balderdash
1985- Dragonchess
1986- Fireball Island
1987- Arkham Horror
1988- Mall Madness
1989- Taboo
1990- Monopoly Junior
1991- Nightmare
1992- Articulate!
1993- 13 Dead End Drive
1994- RoboRally
1995- Catan
1996- Chess960
1997- Twilight Imperium
1998- Cranium
1999- Tikal
2000- Carcassonne
2001- Risk 2210 A.D.
2002- Puerto Rico
2003- A Game of Thrones
2004- Ticket to Ride
2005- Twilight Struggle
2006- Bananagrams
2007- Pandemic
2008- Ultimate Werewolf
2009- Small World
2010- 7 Wonders
2011- Mansions of Madness
2012- Lords of Waterdeep
2013- Axis & Allies: World War I 1914
2014- Eldritch Horror
2015- Codenames
2016- Mechs vs. Minions
2017- Gloomhaven
2018- Rising Sun
2019- Wingspan
Some other notable releases include Sorry! (1934), Monopoly (1935), Scrabble (1938), Hi Ho! Cherry-O (1960), Mouse Trap (1963), Trouble (1965), and Battleship (1967).